Business Week on Tufte:
"Invisible Yet Ubiquitous Influence"

Along with Fast Company (and me), Business Week asserts that good information graphics and info design have business value. An admiring profile of Edward Tufte — with accompanying slide show, natch — is featured in BW's recent "Voices of Innovation" package:
Next to a bad example of a graph, he positions a sublimely clear treatment, often using the same data. Simple as it sounds, the effect has proved to be riveting for a generation of nonprofessional designers. Tufte's work is relevant to anyone who needs to write or present information clearly, from business executives to students.  
In dismantling some of the worst habits of two-dimensional design, he has framed new analytical terms that flicker through many design conservations [sic]*.
* Conventions? Conversations? Or something else? And, more important, have any readers out there recently had a "design conversation" at work? (Media folks, you're DQ'd, sorry.) Do tell.


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