Infoviz for business: Fast Company
points the way

Michael Cannell asks on the Fast Company blog (formerly mentioned here): "Is Information Visualization the Next Frontier for Design?" I'm figuring that's a rhetorical question, since the subhed reads: "As design work shifts to infrastructure and problem solving, sexy infographics are part of the new skill set." Of course we at Synoptical Charts couldn't agree more.

He goes on to discuss infoviz as a discipline and mentions its many applications and its immense potential:
If we're going to live in a world driven by data, the thinking goes, we need a simple means of digesting it all. We are increasingly a visual society, and our understanding of the world is increasingly made possible by this new visual language....

Designers have historically excelled at finding insightful ways of looking at complex problems. Visualization will likely play a prominent role as design evolves beyond the consumer economy (selling $2,000 poufs and other high-end furnishings) and helps create efficient new forms of buildings, food distribution and transportation.
Thanks for helping me get the word out, Michael.

(Hat tip: Margot.)

"Is Information Visualization the Next Frontier for Design?" --


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