As someone who deeply appreciates raw data and admires those who wrangle it, I have to give a shoutout to my fellow travelers out there: Big bunches of ripe bananas to the primates over at Infochimps , "a community to assemble and interconnect a giant free almanac, with tables on everything you can put in a table—things like a century of hourly weather, every major league baseball game, decades of stock prices, or every US patent filing." Check out the (still small but interesting) visualization gallery . Numbrary , whose name is self-explanatory, is "a free online service dedicated to finding, using and sharing numbers on the web." At present its focus seems to be financial and demographic, with info from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System , U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis , U.S. Census Bureau , the SEC EDGAR Database and CIA - The World Factbook . Swivel , which aims to "make it easy for eve...